1. Which four solutions are used to prevent routing loop?(chose four)
a. split horizon : omits from the message any information about destinations routed on that link
b. route poison : Sets the distance to infinity if the destination is routed on that link
c. area hierarchies
d. holddown timer : tells to hold any changes that might affect router for some period of time
If at any time before the hold-down timer expires an update is received from a different neighboring
router with a poorer metric, the update is ignored
e. Triggered updates : new routing table that is sent immediately, in response to some change.
f. SPF algorithms
g. link-state algorithms
이런식으로 나온답니다. 답은 뭘까요..??
다 아시죠..? 얼마전에 제 칼럼에 있었으니까.^^
답은a,b,d,e 입니다.
2. You enter following command, which are correct?(chose 3)
ip route 120
a. your originating network is ( can't know )
b. your destination network is
c. your next hop address is
d. you are using the default class C subnet mask (class B)
e. your destination address is ( address -> network )
f. you are using the autonomous system of 120 (can't know)
g. you are using the administrative distance of 120
가 있습니다. 답은 뭘까요..??b,c,g 입니다.
궁금하심 질문주세요..^^
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