Cisco Router Web Setup Tool (CRWS)
Simple Setup for Cisco SOHO Series
and 800 Series Broadband Routers
The Cisco Router Web Setup tool (CRWS) provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for configuring Cisco SOHO series and 8oo series routers, allowing users to set up their routers quickly and easily. Users without the knowledge to configure a supported Cisco router with the Cisco IOS® Software command line interface (CLI) can use the CRWS to configure the router in just a few simple steps. By utilizing this tool, Cisco SOHO and 800 series customers can leverage the power of Cisco IOS Software without having the technical skills typically needed for router configuration.
Figure 1
Cisco Router
Web Setup Tool
The Cisco Router Web Setup tool (CRWS) provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for configuring Cisco SOHO series and 8oo series routers, allowing users to set up their routers quickly and easily. Users without the knowledge to configure a supported Cisco router with the Cisco IOS® Software command line interface (CLI) can use the CRWS to configure the router in just a few simple steps. By utilizing this tool, Cisco SOHO and 800 series customers can leverage the power of Cisco IOS Software without having the technical skills typically needed for router configuration.
Figure 1
Cisco Router
Web Setup Tool

CRWS gives users direct access to:
- Simplified Setup
- Advanced Configuration Features (NAT, port filtering, DNS, etc.)
- Security including Firewall and VPNs
- Router Monitoring
Additionally, CRWS is available in English, German, and French simply by using a pull down menu and selecting a language.
Simplified Setup - With Autodetect of WAN Perimeters
Users can configure supported Cisco routers in just a few simple steps, without technical expertise. First, users connect provided cables, power on the router, and point a browser to the router. Users then enter some individual information and choose between multiple configuration options. For users that don't know the answers to these questions, CRWS will automatically detect the encapsulation and/or PVC. This patented technology is unique to this tool and utilizes the debugging capabilities of Cisco IOS.
The CRWS completes the configuration process, sending the working configuration to the router. CRWS automatically detects the encapsulation of the line, whether it is PPPoE, PPPoA or bridged eliminating the need for the user to determine this configuration setting. CRWS will also auto-detect the VPI/VCI required by the service provider.
Advanced Configuration Features
CRWS gives users the power to set up advanced configurable router functions. This allows users flexibility in how the router will function in the networks it is connected to. These functions include:
- DHCP Server/Relay
- Firewall
- Voice-over IP dial plans (Cisco 827-4V router)
- Changing the LAN addresses, and at the same time reconfiguring the DHCP server
- Cisco Easy VPN configuration and tunnel login (if needed)
With an always-on broadband connection, network security must be addressed. Cisco routers provide many standard and optional security features to keep the router and the network safe from unauthorized access.
The CRWS tool lets users assign a name and password for the router, to prevent tampering with the router's configuration. Additionally, Network Address Translation (NAT) can be enabled, allowing users on the LAN to share one common public IP address while the router assigns private addresses, keeping individual users from being seen by the outside world. The optional Stateful Inspection Firewall can also be enabled through the tool, allowing users to block certain types of inbound and outbound application traffic. For models that support VPNs, the new
Cisco Easy VPN feature allows users to configure a VPN connection to a Cisco Easy VPN Server without complicated preshared keys or configuration steps. Users simply use CRWS to enter in VPN configuration information such as user name and password and the router then establishes a VPN connection to the main office.
Figure 2
Cisco Router Web Setup Tool - Quick Setup

Router Monitoring
With CRWS, users can use the following features to monitor a router through a browser:
- Interface Summary—shows the configuration of the LAN and WAN ports, and if the ports are active (up/down)
- System Information—provides details on which Cisco IOS image the router is running, how much memory/Flash is installed, and so on
- DSL or WAN Statistics—explains all information about the ATM or Ethernet WAN interface such as up/down and IP address (the Cisco SOHO series routers have DSL WAN ports; the Cisco 806 and Cisco 830 series routers have an Ethernet WAN port)
- Show Commands—allows users with knowledge of the Cisco IOS CLI to enter IOS SHOW commands, such as: show running config, show tech, show ip
- Show VPN tunnel status (up/down/login)
Figure 3
Cisco Router Web Setup Tool Router Monitoring

The CRWS is supported on all Cisco SOHO series and 800 series routers shipped after April 2001. Users can also download a copy of Cisco Connection Online at:
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